Saturday, December 18, 2010
EAGLE CRUAGH.COM: AT WAR WITH HATE: "AT WAR WITH HATE Lieut. Florin was a loathsome, egotistical, smirking, Greek god type. A typical ladies man, bronzed,..."
Lieut. Florin was a loathsome, egotistical, smirking,
Greek god type. A typical ladies man, bronzed,
tall, flat belly`d and more than adept at hitting a silly punching bag.
On a crowded troop-ship, near the equator and in the
middle of the South Pacific, we sailors stood in each
other`s shade in a futile attempt to stay out of the
scorching, blistering sun --------- and we listened to
the unending rattle of the punching bag.
The boat deck, not sure why it was called that, but it
was, was officer country, all enlisted men were banned from officer country. "They were special".
Day after breathless, stink`n day we would stand in
the sun and hate those bastards.
Unaware that the Marine Corps officers aboard ship
were planning a boxing tournament, the bag bounced
and rattled it`s annoying chatter.
God, I hated that bastard---- then the break came.
Charlie the steward remarked, "Why don`t you go down to the Marine`s newspaper office and challenge
that s.o.b. to fight you in the tournament.
No sooner had the idea germinated than I was in the
Marine`s office volunteering to fight the
officer who kept pounding that idiot bag.
The very next day the paper appeared with the by-line , Lieut. Florin has graciously condescended to
fight a young hospital apprentice (me) in the coming
boxing tournament. "Graciously condescended !"
What a lot of gall.
The officer and I were both over six feet tall, but where
he was lean, muscular and tanned, I was skinny and
Coming out of the chow line Chief Smith grinned at
me and commented, " You`re going to fight in the
tournament I see". Yeah, guess so, Chief.
"Have you ever fought on a ship before ?" No.
"Well, there are just a couple of things to remember.
Keep your back to the sun and when the ship rolls from side to side, you always stay on the upper side"
that way when he tries to hit you he has to swing up
at you and the sun will always be in his eyes."
Under my breath, I`m thinking , he`s gonna die.
After day after day of insufferable punching bag racket
and seeing this Greek god strutting about the boat deck the day of the big fight arrived.
Before we were called to the ring, Lieut Florin came
down to peasant country and invited me to come up
to the boat deck and have a cold one. I felt it coming.
The old psych game. So I went up and sat in the cool
shade in officer`s country and enjoyed a cold beer
while the officer confessed that he had been Captain
of his boxing team at Yale. After 29 fights he had been cited for superior sportsmanship and excellence
in athletic ability.
I hated him even more. He was obviously trying to
con me into a loser state of mind.
We were called to the center of the ring, given instructions. Retired to neutral corners and at the
bell we came out with blood in our eyes. All the days
of suffering that annoying rattle of the punching bag,
the strutting god-like, superior officer--- it all came
out of my boxing gloves in rattling, hate filled punches.
Just like Chief Smith had said--- I rolled up with the
ship and kept the sun at my back and dared him to
fight . In a short time it was over, The Marine Capt.,referee
raised my arm as the victor and I felt nine feet tall.
The following day I spotted Lieut. Florin at a distance
both eyes were swollen and black, his face was red
with angry red marks . Somehow I did not feel that
The next day Lieut . Florin was to be assigned a fighter plane on the main island, then join his unit on
Guadal Canal.
As we stood on deck of the ship in the early morning
a lone plane came in to view. He immediately started
dipping his wings in the traditional salute of "goodbye to my friends" as he passed over our heads.
Just then this plane struck the mast of a tanker anchored just behind us. As the plane struck the mast it burst into fragments---- not a piece of the plane or the pilot were ever seen again.
The voice on the loud speaker announced, "that was
Lieut. Florin who just left this ship."
----- Eagle Cruagh
© 2010 Eagle Cruagh
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Cold fingers numb
Cowpony stumbles drags
Through ice and snow
Stars light the winter herd
In the distance a carol
Snow melts from the sound
Cowboy feels Christmas Grace
As the pony makes his rounds
A steer bolts from the herd
Bless your ornery hide
The cowboy yells
A bright star lights the scene
Distant figures course the snow
Who could be out here tonight
Freezing cold I should know
Man and woman and child approach
Ragged looking starved
Midnight victuals come off the saddle
To share with the hapless pair
Off to camp on the dead run
Roping out of the remuda
For those strangers at the herd
Grab warm garb out of the chuck wagon
Racing back before they pass
All fixed up in warm cowboy raiment
Sent on their way all toasty dry
O`er the planes breaks the chorus
God bless all friends to man
God bless all friends to man
----- Eagle Cruagh
The sun drops behind the dark
Hush the earth is still
No living creature moves
Wondering if it ever will
Little padded feet on foam
A solitary figure not aloud
Singular method of the night
To lure an angel out to roam
Sinister figures wandering here
Where only time will tell
As the dark excludes the light
All that`s left is hell
---- Eagle Cruagh
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy bastards whoop`n it up
You can hear them like they
Was in the room
The blaring horns and drum
C`mon honey doncha love me
Come back to bed she said
The thump`n sounds
Like com`n through the floor
Tooo much t`drink
Gotta git outa here
This is no place to die
Can see the headline now
Fighter dies in the room upstairs
Drunk above the black saddle
Left some kids`n sweet young wife
His life a fading light
Struggling to his feet
Falling stupid gross
Stumbling out onto the street
Clinging to a cold lamp post
Slowly sinking to the ground
Life of a fighter always bad
His only possessions left upstairs
In a room above black saddle
----- Eagle Cruagh
Happy bastards whoop`n it up
You can hear them like they
Was in the room
The blaring horns and drum
C`mon honey doncha love me
Come back to bed she said
The thump`n sounds
Like com`n through the floor
Tooo much t`drink
Gotta git outa here
This is no place to die
Can see the headline now
Fighter dies in the room upstairs
Drunk above the black saddle
Left some kids`n sweet young wife
His life a fading light
Struggling to his feet
Falling stupid gross
Stumbling out onto the street
Clinging to a cold lamp post
Slowly sinking to the ground
Life of a fighter always bad
His only possessions left upstairs
In a room above black saddle
----- Eagle Cruagh
With thunderous roar
Mid crash and spray
Poet slides into her eyes
She moves close
To forbid intrusion
Opens wide and sighs
Thinking of majesty
C`est la vie
Simple shepherd sits
With blade of grass
hearing oceans roar
The tiny world alive
Streams and lakes
Surge with life
A drop of sweat from
His Creator brow
His world unbelievable
Incomparable complexity
All creation in a shepherd`s
Blade of grass
---- Eagle Cruagh
With thunderous roar
Mid crash and spray
Poet slides into her eyes
She moves close
To forbid intrusion
Opens wide and sighs
Thinking of majesty
C`est la vie
Simple shepherd sits
With blade of grass
hearing oceans roar
The tiny world alive
Streams and lakes
Surge with life
A drop of sweat from
His Creator brow
His world unbelievable
Incomparable complexity
All creation in a shepherd`s
Blade of grass
---- Eagle Cruagh
Halyards slapping masts
inky water lapping
Night birds screech
Hunker down for warmth
Dream the golden isle
Where life is warm and sweet
A jerking on our anchor rode
Alert danger mode
Ship passing in the night
Pull covers around ears
Sleep as the marina slumbers
Safe leave gate in dreams
Fog horn a distant moan
A diesel chugs alone
Radar distant warning
All`s well we have atoned
---- Eagle Cruagh
Halyards slapping masts
inky water lapping
Night birds screech
Hunker down for warmth
Dream the golden isle
Where life is warm and sweet
A jerking on our anchor rode
Alert danger mode
Ship passing in the night
Pull covers around ears
Sleep as the marina slumbers
Safe leave gate in dreams
Fog horn a distant moan
A diesel chugs alone
Radar distant warning
All`s well we have atoned
---- Eagle Cruagh
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Leather belts whistle moving
Logs in unison through the weavers
Pins and the pin boy lurches
Pins they shout and the spindles spin
Pins ! Again the pin boy grabs for
The moving target
Pins ! ! Staggering under his load
A finger lost blood spurting red
Pins ! Again no stoppage the day will be
A winner the nine finger Weaver will
A bonus get and the pin setter gets to breath
Pins ! ! !
A group of nine finger weaver and some less
Cursing the pin setter. Pins !
Today if we lose the rest no matter
Pins !
------ Eagle Cruagh
shingle weaver
Leather belts whistle moving
Logs in unison through the weavers
Pins and the pin boy lurches
Pins they shout and the spindles spin
Pins ! Again the pin boy grabs for
The moving target
Pins ! ! Staggering under his load
A finger lost blood spurting red
Pins ! Again no stoppage the day will be
A winner the nine finger Weaver will
A bonus get and the pin setter gets to breath
Pins ! ! !
A group of nine finger weaver and some less
Cursing the pin setter. Pins !
Today if we lose the rest no matter
Pins !
------ Eagle Cruagh
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Leather belts whistle moving
Logs in unison through the weavers
Pins and the pin boy lurches
Pins they shout and the spindles spin
Pins ! Again the pin boy grabs for
The moving target
Pins ! ! Staggering under his load
A finger lost blood spurting red
Pins ! Again no stoppage the day will be
A winner the nine finger Weaver will
A bonus get and the pin setter gets to breath
Pins ! ! !
A group of nine finger weaver and some less
Cursing the pin setter. Pins !
Today if we lose the rest no matter
Pins !
------ Eagle Cruagh
© 2010 Eagle Cruagh
Grandma`s sitting at the bar
Nobody near this chick
With her gray hair
And a little beard
Wonder what she`s do`n there
Have `nother drink Fred
`stoo early to go to bed
Check that blonde with th
Old guy over there
Bet she wishes he was dead
The band plays smash and grab
Romeos are dance`n like they
Was mad
All the girls look pretty good
But it`s early Bud me lad
Then bar-kee yells last call
Where`d the time go ?
Grab yur drink and swill it all
Gotta git more y`all
Where`s all the girls ya know
They`re all down by the door
Just stand`n there in a row
Wander by and look ,there`s Grandma
Only she`s a smashing blonde
Arm and arm she goes
Grandma hooked a kid
Young sailor by his looks
He thinks she`s twenty two
Gett`n younger too
Out the door they stumble
Marilyn Monroe has got my arm
Dang she`s nice and warm
Where you been all night I ask
And she`s just fulla charm
On the other side is Julie Juice
Man its great to rule the roost
Women fight`n fur my love
Every one winner of a beauty cup
Oh, the girls all get prettier at closing time
And every one is hook`n up
---- Eagle Cruagh
© 2008 Eagle Cruagh
EAGLE CRUAGH.COM: LOST: "LOST Somewhere it rests Hidden in a little nest Plebian as my soul Nada as a goal Find her I beg you She is gone for sure Find her and I ..."
Somewhere it rests
Hidden in a little nest
Plebian as my soul
Nada as a goal
Find her
I beg you
She is gone for sure
Find her and I shall endure
You will know her
When she erupts
Sense of humor gone
It was just a pup
----- Eagle Cruagh
Somewhere it rests
Hidden in a little nest
Plebian as my soul
Nada as a goal
Find her
I beg you
She is gone for sure
Find her and I shall endure
You will know her
When she erupts
Sense of humor gone
It was just a pup
----- Eagle Cruagh
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